First It Was FAKE NEWS, Now It’s FAKE VIDEOS —Special Guest: Peter Sisson

Lying on the Beach On Camera with Steve Greenberg and Lois Whitman-Hess

You may have seen one and not even known it and now Peacock, NBC’s new streaming channel has a series called “The Capture” — it is all about how an incriminating security video might actually be fake video.

So how do we know what to believe? That brings us to Peter Sisson and YAZA, a new platform that authenticates the place, time, and creator of each video. Yaza calls it “Certified Reality.”

Peter Sisson is one the brains behind Yaza. He is product-focused entrepreneur who has started 4 other companies. Peter also volunteers his time as a mentor to other startup’s through the European Innovation Academy. Last year Peter was named among the 23 most powerful LGBTQ people in technology by Business Insider.

Lying On The Beach
Lying On The Beach
First It Was FAKE NEWS, Now It’s FAKE VIDEOS —Special Guest: Peter Sisson